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International Journal on Legal Development and Practice (IJLDP)

The International Journal of Legal Development and Practice (IJLDP) is a double blind peer review, open-access journal published Bi-Annual under the aegis of Ram-Krishna Law Firm. IJLDP provides a forum for discussions on national and international best practices in the area of Law and its development with focus on enforcement, policy reforms, political, economic and legal developments, training and education, inquire and investigation, accountability, human rights and Civil rights.

We are pleased to announce that the journal is currently seeking submissions for publication in IJLDP Volume 1 Issue 1 of our general issue. The issue is due to be published in August 2024, and we would be honoured to receive a submission authored by you. Since the journal is scheduled to be released this August 2024, our deadlines can also be effectively tailored to fit your schedule with a tentative deadline being April 30, 2024.

Submissions Guidelines:

Timeline and Category of Submission

The journal welcomes contributions from academics, practitioners and students of law and allied fields.  The submissions to IJLDP, are now accepted on a rolling basis under the following categories,

  • Research Articles (5000-12000 words)
  • Article Review (3000-5000 words)
  • Case Comments (2000-4000 words)
  • Book Review (2000-3000 words)


  1. The authors intending for Book Review shall submit a hard or soft copy of the book along with the consent letter from the Publisher or Author of the Book at the address of the Journal.
  2. The word limit is inclusive of footnotes.

Format of Submission

  1. The manuscript shall not contain the name of the author or institutional affiliation or any other identification mark. Submission shall be submitted in .doc or .docx format using the google form link provided below.
  2. The submission should be compulsorily within the ambit of journal scope i.e. any topic related to Law and Law-in-practice and its related areas.
  3. Submission must be in English
  4. A separate cover letter in (.doc) or (.docx) format containing particulars of the author(s) and the submission is to be sent along with the submission. A cover letter should include 
  1. Title of Submission,
  2. Abstract (not exceeding 300 words)
  3. Name of the Author & Co-Authors
  4. Brief CV of Author and Co-Authors (not exceeding 100 words each)
  5. Contact Information and Address for Correspondence.
  6. Disclaimer to the effect that the piece is original and has not been published or is under consideration, for publication, elsewhere.
  1. The body of the submission should be in following format
    1. TITLE OF THE MANUSCRIPT (Times New Roman, Font size 16, Bold,All Caps, Centre Align)
    2. ABSTRACT Heading: (Times New Roman, Font size 12, Bold, All Caps, Centre Align)
    3. Abstract Text (Times New Roman, Font size 12, Bold)
    4. INTRODUCTION (HEADING LEVEL 1) (Times New Roman, Font size 12, Bold, All Caps, Left Align, Numbered I,II,III,IV and so on)
    5. Heading Level 2 (Times New Roman, Font size 12, Bold, Left Align, Numbered 1,2,3, and so on)
    6. Heading Level 3 (Times New Roman, Font size 12, Italics, Left Align, Numbered i,ii,iii, and so on)
    7. Heading Level 4 (Times New Roman, Font size 12, Left Align, Numbered a,b, c, d, and so on)
    8. Text: [Times New Roman, 12 Points, Justify, 1.5” Spacing, 1” indent on the first line of every paragraph]
    9. Quotes: [Times New Roman, 12 Points, Justify, 1” Spacing, 0.5” indents on both sides]
    10. Foot Notes: [Times New Roman, 10 Points, Justify, 1” Spacing]
  1.  All citations should be placed in footnotes (and not endnotes) and shall conform to the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (4th edn, 2012).
  2. All submissions are subject to Plagiarism check.
  3.  All submissions go through an initial round of review by the editorial board and the selected pieces are subsequently sent to blind peer reviewers, before finalization for publication.

Submission Charges

IJLDP is committed to the principle of open-access publishing. All articles published in the journal are made freely and openly accessible to the public. This means that anyone can access, read, and use the published articles without any cost, provided proper acknowledgment is given to the authors. To sustain the open access model and cover the costs associated with the publication process, authors are required to pay a one-time Article Publication Charge (APC) of Rs. 1500/- for each accepted article. The APC contributes to Peer Review, Administration and Management, Professional Production, and Dissemination.  IJLDP does not charge authors for articles that are not accepted for publication. Authors are only requested to pay the APC if their article successfully undergoes peer review and is accepted for publication. Further, the journal does not impose any submission charges or surcharges based on article length or element.  The APC and any potential waivers or discounts will be communicated transparently to authors during the submission and acceptance process.

How do I Submit

Only electronic submissions are accepted. Kindly submit your submission on this Google form along with the cover letter.